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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Accidents in the Indonesian language means "catastrophe", "misfortune", and "trial". In the Koran there are 67 times seakar word with the word accident and 10 times the word disaster. Disaster originally meant "something that happens to or about". The truth is something that happens that is not always bad. Rain may fall on us, and it can be a good thing. Indeed, the unfortunate connotations necessarily bad, but it may be that what we think is bad, well actually, the Qur'an uses this word to something that is both good and bad (Surah al-Baqarah: 216)
Qur'an implies that a person is not touched by the disaster itself but because of his behavior, but on the other hand, when the Qur'an speaks about the plagues, said the accident came from Allah. No calamity occurs except by Allah when we talk about the reinforcements (which means also a disaster). Bala actually originally meant "test" can also mean "revealing". Someone tested it dinampakkan ability.
That is why Allah SWT. states: "God who created life and death to test you, who among you a better charity." (Surat al-Mulk: 2). We see tests / reinforcements coming from God. "We will certainly test you until We know who the people who strive in the path of Allah and be patient." (Surah Muhammad: 31) Allah sent down reinforcements without human intervention. "We would lose a little fear, a little hunger ... Give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere." (Surat al-Baqara: 255)
Life is a test. These exams can be something you like, can also form something that is not desirable. Who would have thought that was a sign of wealth and health of God's love, then he was wrong. Who knew that something negative was a sign of God's hatred, and even then he was mistaken. God condemned to people who, when given favor by God, and then said, "I liked the Lord," and when God tested him so narrow life, he then said, "God hates me, insulting my Lord."
Do not guess, our brothers who died and God hates the disaster struck. Do not guess who suffer God's wrath. Do not expect that in wild riotous groove of God. Kalla! No! Here God uses the word bala means test, so do not quickly said that the disaster was God's wrath.
Once the Prophet, many friends fall in battle, wounded many companions of the Prophet, even the Prophet was hurt. Allah SWT. certainly do not hate the Prophet, so he was injured. God must bless the fall's best friend, even though they suffer. When it's down the verse: "Do not feel offended, do not feel offended, do not dissolve in grief. You are the people who get a high position as long as you believe. "In surah Ali 'Imran, Allah says, the purpose of God sent down this ordeal is that God raised from among you as a martyr.
We can say that the fall to get this disaster, prepared by God on high, because they are believers. And the purpose God sent down this disaster is that God knows who the true believer and who is not. Therefore, do not grumble, for God gives the best possible place. Allah SWT. says that He will also cleanse your liver and remove your sins. Religion reminds us all that the Lord has a purpose.
In this life, God created man for a purpose. In a hadith, Allah created the creatures that the deployment to meet the needs of the other creatures. There are rich people who were given the wealth, which is chosen by God to be the person to give assistance to people in need. Hopefully we are people who are chosen of God. There is another person who was created by God to be a "tool" to remind people of God. The martyrs are the tools chosen by God. That is why we read in the Qur'an there is the term 'ibâdullâh mukhlashîn or servants of God are selected.
Today many people are careless and forgot to God. It is routine often makes us forget God. Therefore we need to be reminded. There are people who are not aware of the existence of God because it sees everything harmonious. God wants to remind those people that do not guess God has a hands-off. Reminded people through disasters. In the past many people who forget God, now he reminds us in his mercy.
That is why in the Qur'an, it says: "And do not they notice that they are tested once or twice every year, then they're not (too) repent and do not take teaching?" (Surah at-Tawbah: 126). So again, I do not see this as the wrath of God. It is His grace to us who are alive, so we remember to God, so that deeper solidarity with us, so that we are closer to God, so that God's presence is more felt again. And that fall, the injuries, the suffering was used by God as His instruments to remind us, that's what they called the 'ibâdullâh mukhlashîn or servants of God's chosen.
He chooses the people who died, He chose the children, He chooses the old people, to make him a martyr; She made the witnesses, he made his tools. For who? For we who are alive. God does not waste them. In the hadith, Allah says, "If not for the kids who are still nursing, were it not for the parents who are stooped, were it not for the animals, Allah will impose punishment to you, punishment extraordinary." But why taken there by his children, the elderly, animals? That's what makes us suspect both to God and declare that this is not anger, it's just a warning. We accept that. Warning to our lives. We do not need to dissolve in grief, but we need to take heed.
One lesson is that we see on television, we see their bodies, apparently so also our bodies. Do not give attention to the agency by forgetting the spirit. That's a lesson that we can lift. Do not judge a person by his appearance. Look at it all, and remember the Qur'an; God over and over, "Do people feel safe country of arrival alert We told them at the time the sun sepenggalahan up when they're playing?" (Surat al-A'raf: 98). This is what we see. Actually, the goal is for us. God bless us with a warning.
When Hadrat Ali ibn Abi Talib was stabbed, he shouted: "For God's sake Ka'ba, I have gained a fortune." Lucky for dead. God uplift him. God is seated on a high position such as martyrdom. Now, if we read the verse in surah Ali 'Imran: ... that He raised among you martyrs (people who witness) and liver cleanse you from all kinds of sins. To those who died, we help with sadness but in the same time they were lucky. And living, we hope we can learn from this test, from the disaster. Hopefully we can catch up with them in death pleasing to God.
That is why there is the prayer taught by the Prophet:

"O God, we pray thee, the best possible life, and death as well as possible, and every good thing which is between life and death. O God, quicken us in the lives of the people who you enjoy to keep him alive, and wafatkanlah in the death of people who you like to meet him.

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